Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dani dan Nini Wedding

Setelah sabar menunggu akhirnya sampailah kepada saat yang berbahagia. Minggu 18 Oktober 2009 menjadi hari yang sangat special. Meskipun harus menunggu pak Penghulu yang sedikit terlambat karena kebanyakan job (maklum emang musimnya ... :) ). Selamat ya buat Dani dan Nini.

Sunday October 18, 2009 become their happiest moment. They had to wait longer (30 menutes from the schedule) before the islamic headman arrive to start their ceremony in the mosque near by their home. Dani and Nini congratulation for both of you.

1 comment:

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Fantastic pictures.

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Keep blogging.
Have a great time.